This course provides divers a safe breathing gas for enjoying dives in 40 fsw (12 msw) to 130 fsw (39 msw) depth range. The diver may elect to dive the mix on EANx tables or conservatively using their dive computers or air tables with an added diver safety margin. This course is adaptable to being taught as a single program or by combining it with another course such as cavern or cave diver.

This course involves the use of EANx 21 through 40% (oxygen) for optimal mixes to a depth of 140 fsw/42 msw. The objective of this course is to train divers in the benefits, hazards and procedures for using EANx 21 through 40% (oxygen) for dives not requiring staged decompression. (Decompression techniques may be combined with this course at the discretion of Marcia).

This course explores the theory, methods, and procedures of planned stage decompression diving. The objective of this course is to train divers how to plan and conduct a standard staged decompression dive not exceeding a maximum depth of 150 feet fsw/50 msw unless taught in conjunction with advanced nitrox, extended range technical diver cave diver courses.

This five day course provides the training and experience required to competently utilize air for dives down to 180 fsw/55 msw that require staged decompression, utilizing eanx mixtures and oxygen decompression. Dives will conducted at Laguna Kaan Luum, Cenote Angelita, Cenote El Pit and a wall dive in the Caribbean via boat in front of Playa del Carmen..

This is an intense seven day course is aimed at those divers who wish to dive in the zone between 130 fsw/39 msw and 200 fsw/60 msw but are not comfortable using air. The course uses normoxic mixtures and consists of 12 dives and one three hour confined water session. Six (6) dives are on air to depths between 100 fsw/30 msw and 130 fsw/39 msw and six (6) involve practicing specific skills at depths between 30 fsw/9 msw and 90 fsw/27 msw. All dives will be performed with two (2) stage cylinders. Four (4) trimix dives will be included with two (2) at depths up to 165 fsw/50 msw and two (2) at depths up to 200 fsw/60 msw. It does not qualify the diver to use hypoxic mixtures to participate in dives deeper than 200 fsw/60msw. The text for the course is the IANTD Technical Diver Encyclopedia, associated with the IANTD Technical Diver Workbook, slides and waterproof tables.
Marcia’s course includes:
Double 80 cubic foot tanks or single 80 cubic foot cylinders for side mount configuration.
Transportation to dive sites.
Marcia’s 15+ years of teaching experience.
Boat fees are extra!